Kamis, 01 Agustus 2019

It's mee

  Hi every body ! Let me introduce my self ! 

   My name is Muhammad akbar but everyone may call me Akbar. Im fifteen years old. I am a student at Senior High School 3 at Bandung and I am in the first class.

 I chose the IPS class here. before this , I came from a smithy asy-syifa boarding school at subang city.

 I live in police dormitory street nias no 173. I went to school using go-jek or grab , even though my house was close but I was lazy to walk. 

 I come from a normal family, I only have one brother and my father is a police officer and my mother is the principal. 

i sometimes play video games, basketball and watch movies when I have free time.

My idol is Bill gates, why am i idolizing bil gates? 
because even though he was dropped out of Harvard University but he did not give up, he focused on developing Microsoft which later triumphed as the largest computer software manufacturer in the world and became part of the richest people in the world.

thats all about me. thank you for your attention. 

goood bye ..



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